Advisory Council

Introducing The Cuisine of LIFE: Recipes and Stories of the New Food Entrepreneurs of Turkey

Introducing The Cuisine of LIFE: Recipes and Stories of the New Food Entrepreneurs of Turkey

The Cuisine of LIFE: Recipes and Stories of the New Food Entrepreneurs of Turkey shares the journeys of food entrepreneurs from refugee and host communities through their unique dishes. In this video, contributors and co-editors share the process of transforming family traditions and culinary specialties into recipes that can reach kitchens around the world.

Advisory Council Member Anissa Helou visits the Istanbul Food Enterprise Center

Advisory Council Member Anissa Helou visits the Istanbul Food Enterprise Center

Advisory Council member and renowned cookbook author and chef, Anissa Helou visited our Food Enterprise Center in Istanbul to meet with LIFE Entrepreneurs over a shared lunch. Members received valuable insight from her experience as a cookbook author and chef specializing in Mediterranean, Middle East and North African cuisine.

Democracy That Delivers #142: Cooking Up a New LIFE – The Power of Food Entrepreneurship to Rebuild Lives Affected by the Global Refugee Crisis

Democracy That Delivers #142: Cooking Up a New LIFE – The Power of Food Entrepreneurship to Rebuild Lives Affected by the Global Refugee Crisis

From Consortium Lead The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)

Joan Nathan, Cookbook Author and Advisory Council member of LIFE Project, and Johanna Mendelson Forman, PhD, Distinguished Fellow at the Henry L. Stimson Center and CIPE’s Consortium partner on the LIFE Project, join co-host Stephen Rosenlund and host Ken Jaques to discuss how the LIFE Food Enterprise Center (FEC) is building food businesses and creating sustainable livelihoods in Turkey. These efforts have transformative effects for refugees and their host communities by building relationships through food.