
Meet the Members: Hussein, a Syrian Dessert Chef Growing a New Business in Turkey

Meet the Members: Hussein, a Syrian Dessert Chef Growing a New Business in Turkey

It was a passion for food that drove Hussein to make a career change from hospitality to starting his own business in Syria as a dessert chef. He quickly found success as an entrepreneur and turned one dessert shop into four. However, after the conflict in Syria began, Hussein was forced to migrate to Mersin and leave his booming businesses behind. 

Meet the Members: Ammar, a Syrian Food Expert and Entrepreneur

Meet the Members: Ammar, a Syrian Food Expert and Entrepreneur

Ammar’s dream project is starting a food business focused on desserts and smoothies. He even already has a name for it: PH7 or ‘Pleasure of Heaven’. Since deciding on his initial idea, Ammar has been looking to rent a small restaurant in the Fatih neighborhood of Istanbul to start his business and is looking for business partners to promote his product and fund his start-up costs.